
AB 1267 to Help Nonprofits
California Legislature Passes Bill
Exciting news for local businesses and nonprofits! Yesterday, the Legislature passed Assembly Bill 1267 – a bill that will allow breweries, wineries, and distilleries to donate proceeds from selling their products to local nonprofits. Our bill fixes a nearly century-old oversight in our state’s liquor laws, and will allow Central Coast nonprofits and businesses to work together to support important local causes.
Existing law, the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act, regulates the application for, and issuance and suspension of, alcoholic beverage licenses by the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. The act prohibits a licensee from giving a premium, gift, or free goods in connection with the sale and distribution of any alcoholic beverage, except as provided.
This bill, as an exception to that prohibition, until January 1, 2025, would authorize a winegrower, a beer manufacturer, a distilled spirits manufacturer, a craft distiller, a brandy manufacturer, a rectifier, or a wine rectifier to donate a portion of the purchase price of an alcoholic beverage to a nonprofit charitable organization in connection with the sale or distribution of an alcohol beverage, subject to certain limitations.
A huge thank you to California Wines, California Association of Nonprofits, and Paso Robles Wine for your support of this important bill! On to the Governor!