EconAlliance, Santa Barbara County liaison to the tri-County Broadband Consortium Pacific Coast (Consortium) charged with broadband enhancement across three counties, is conducting a community broadband survey in the communities of Santa Maria, Guadalupe and Lompoc (other communities to follow next month). We encourage you to complete the Community Broadband Needs Assessment at ONE of the links below (deadline for these three communities is November 15). Your input is valuable, as it will be analyzed with other input about broadband (high speed internet) needs and will be made available to any city, community or other entity applying for funding to enhance Northern Santa Barbara County internet connectivity.

For questions about these surveys, please contact

The survey for businesses & organizations is available online* in English at

In Spanish, it is available for businesses and organizations at

There is a separate survey for residents to complete. For the resident survey in English, see

In Spanish, the survey for residents is available at 

Thank you in advance for providing data for our Community Broadband Needs Assessment!

EconAlliance thanks Pacific Premier Bank for its support of this important effort.

*For assessment integrity, only one survey response submission (latest one submitted) will be saved from any one computer (earlier submissions will be over-ridden and lost). Any organization with distributed locations, umbrella nonprofits aligned with different entities, or households affiliated with other households, should submit only one survey per computer, encouraging subordinate or partner organizations or other organizations or households to submit responses on a different computer.