
High Value: Cross-Industry Forum
The November Cross-Industry (virtual) Forum was attended by dozens of policymakers and economic and infrastructure stakeholders interested in the results of the EconAlliance Infrastructure Survey. The purpose of the EconAlliance Infrastructure Survey is primarily to give key industries in Santa Barbara County’s North and Mid-County areas a voice about the infrastructure needs and opportunities to keep their industries thriving. Broadly distributed, however, the survey provides the opportunity for all industry and community organizations to participate. See the full presentation in video here.
Six EconAlliance NSBC Industries Represented
Forum welcome was given by incoming EconAlliance board president Sam Cohen, with an overview of the bi-annual Infrastructure Survey provided by survey founder Dan Deveraux of CalPortland. A summary of the Infrastructure Survey input was presented by Victoria Conner, EconAlliance Initiatives Director. Visit document library for the 2021 Cross Industry Presentation (PDF).
All 6 EconAlliance key NSBC industries represented: Ag, Wine/Tourism, Energy, Mfg, Space, and Healthcare. Largest representation was from Leisure/Hospitality, Agriculture-Wine, Manufacturing, Ag – Vegetables/Berries and Retail. In addition, the online event featured five-minute “industry snapshots” sharing information about post-lockdown status, key infrastructure and other industry needs and opportunities.
Industry presenters included: George Adam, Agriculture; Ben Oakley, Energy; Trevor Orrick, Manufacturing; and Dominick Barry, Quintron.