Cross-Sector Activities

Project description
Global Trade
EconAlliance knows that the new economy is characterized by rapid change and shifting competitive challenges. Because EconAlliance’s work spans industry sectors, it places us in a unique position to recognize, understand, and propose solutions that apply to all.
Globalization has fundamentally transformed the American economy. Regions – defined by economic rather than political boundaries – are the new building blocks of prosperity. In the 21st Century, America’s communities will derive economic strength by acting regionally to compete globally.
Committed to leveraging regional assets and talent to support existing Chamber and other local economic development efforts, EconAlliance is dedicated to the creation of a high-performance community ready to compete in the 21st Century global economy
As early as 2011, EconAlliance was focused on this support activity, and spearheaded the first symposium and planning session for the development of a Northern Santa Barbara County strategy for 21st century innovation and job creation to compete on a global stage. The Northern Santa Barbara County Economic Forum provided the foundation for identifying a set of strategic priorities to be implemented by priority-specific stakeholder task forces committed to economic vitality.
Topics and Speakers included:
Economic Assessment & Forecast, presented by Bill Watkins, PhD, Executive Director, Center for Research, and Forecasting, California Lutheran University.
K E Y N O T E : “The Big Picture” – Creating Opportunity in a Global Economy, presented by Joel Kotkin, Futurist/Author/International Authority on Global
Economic Trends.
High Performance Communities for the Global Networked Economy presented by Delore Zimmerman, PhD, Co-Founder, President & CEO, Praxis Strategy Group
Other Activities
EconAlliance partners with the District Export Council of Southern California to bring world-class trade experts to Northern Santa Barbara County for export seminars covering the DEC’s complimentary consulting services, international market analyses, in-country marketing support and export start-up assistance. North County businesses with export or trade aspirations or issues may contact EconAlliance for further information.
EconAlliance has hosted Global eCommerce Summits, organized by the District Export Council of Southern California. In addition, created opportunity for an appointment with trade export experts who help evaluate foreign markets; connect with manufacturers, suppliers or re-sellers; suggest solutions to logistics, financial or other trade issues, etc.
Videos from the past summits and related activities can be found in our video Resources Library, linked above.
See All Cross-Sector Initatives
Cross-Sector News
Forum Puts Manufacturing on the Radar
EconAlliance once again celebrated Northern Santa Barbara County manufacturers with several activities aligned with national Manufacturing Day. The conversations and keynote yielded some clear takeaways.
Fourth Annual EconAlliance Cross-Industry Golf Tournament
Northern Santa Barbara County industry, business, service, and education industry players formed 33 teams for the EconAlliance Cross-Industry Golf Tournament hosted Monday, August 12, at the Santa Maria Country Club.
EconAlliance North County Intern
The EconAlliance North County Internship Program will place 50 interns in North County worksites this year. College intern William Jeffers is one of those. Jeffers is working with the legal department of the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians.