TeleworX Contracted Through EDA Grant

In late December 2022, after a rigorous RFP process, EconAlliance contracted with a consulting company, TeleworX, LLC, to articulate, evaluate, and cost-out two alternative routes for the North County Fiber Ring. Project is funded by a US Department of Commerce/Economic Development Administration (US DOC/EDA) grant to the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians (Chumash) and EconAlliance to develop the Northern Santa Barbara County Fiber Ring Strategy and Business Plan.

See the TeleworX overview and Fiber Ring presentation of January 23rd- visit our document library.

Founded in 1992, the Virginia-based engineering and business consulting company TeleworX provides consulting services and software solutions to the telecom industry. With experience in developing and engineering broadband networks across the U.S. and in Northern Santa Barbara and SLO Counties, TeleworX collaborates with the world’s leading carriers to chart the course through architecture, design and deployment planning. The company has been a driving force in the advancement of transmission networks for more than two decades.

The Fiber Ring grant enabling the TeleworX effort was jointly submitted by EconAlliance and the Chumash to the US DOC/EDA in 2021 and the grant was awarded in summer of 2022. EconAlliance hired consultant Cary Gray, USAF Lt. Col. (Retired) as Project Technical Lead and two other consultants to work with TeleworX and the Chumash team to complete grant work by December 2023.Approximately seventy-five percent of the $444,787 federal grant is dedicated to the technical work to be produced by TeleworX.

The Chumash and EconAlliance had previously cooperated on development of the Chumash Broadband Strategy, and a Pacific Premier Bank-funded broadband needs assessment for which TeleworX produced a “Last-Mile Analysis” for three North County communities.

TeleworX also served as consultant/advisor to the Broadband Consortium Pacific Coast (Consortium) engaged by the Santa Barbara County Association of Governments (SBCAG) to lead the development of the Santa Barbara County Broadband Strategy.

The Chumash, EconAlliance and Reach were partners in the countywide broadband strategy project, which was completed in fall of 2022 (