
EconAlliance RFP- Project Technical Lead (PTL)
Date of Release: August 31, 2022
INTRODUCTION The Economic Alliance Foundation (EconAlliance) invites proposals for an element of work in The Northern Santa Barbara County Broadband Strategy & Business Plan project. The proposal invitation is being requested as one of the EconAlliance grant-funded consultant positions for The Northern Santa Barbara County Broadband Strategy & Business Plan, which is a federally-funded grant project of joint awardees The Economic Alliance Foundation (EconAlliance) and the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians (Chumash). The overall grant project scope specifications is detailed in the RFP found in theEconAlliance Document Library.
In addition, applicants will find the EDA Grant Scope of Work document (PDF) here and a brief outline in a two-page flyer here.
Deadline to Submit Proposals: September 12, 2022, 5:00 PM
Proposed Contract Start Date Selected Proposer: September 30, 2022