
Manufacturing Day at Safran Cabin
Manufacturing Day 2022 launches a month full of manufacturing events, for more connection and participation across the industry and country. EconAlliance recognized the day by organizing a small group tour of Safran Cabin led by Engineering Manager John Fuhriman and Engineer Jennifer Montejano, and with a video interview of Jay Hardy, founder of Hardy Diagnostics (see EconAlliance Video Library). Conversations have started with some industry stakeholders about expanding on this small start for recognition of Manufacturing Day next year.
Held annually on the first Friday in October since it’s launch in 2012, it reveals to students, parents, and the public what modern manufacturing is all about. The fourth industrial revolution is rapidly changing our world. New advanced manufacturing technologies bring about whole new careers, requiring a skilled workforce interested in pursuing them. From bioengineers to data analysts to robotics technicians, and all of the operations in between, there is a place for everyone in manufacturing!
Manufacturers produce items we use every day – cell phones, laptops, coffee makers – as well as products that keep the economy moving, and moving ahead – cars, planes, engines, and turbines, spacecraft and robots. In fact, Safran Cabin, Inc., the world’s second largest aircraft equipment manufacturer, supplies air-framers with key systems including landing gear, wheels and brakes, wiring and much more. Here in Santa Maria, this Safran facility designs and builds the “floor to floor” plane/jet cabin interiors.
Thank you to Safran for this opportunity to see what modern manufacturing holds for a prosperous future.
At EconAlliance, we aim to provide insight into manufacturing (among other industries) within our region. Our goal is to facilitate a local commitment to support local manufacturers by building awareness, streamlining any challenging local regulations, and sharing information about manufacturing’s many exciting career opportunities.