A few words from EconAlliance’s New CEO, Jenelle Osborne

EconAlliance kicked off a new chapter this month. January is a time for new starts and resolutions so I am excited to have started as EconAlliance’s CEO on January 1st! And what an exciting month it has been. The Annual Dinner was held on January 8th (see more in the Annual Dinner article) and was the highest attendance and most successful auction in recent years. If you enjoyed the event and would like to see it in January 2026, please send us an email with your thoughts and feedback, jenelle[at]econalliance.org.

Message from EconAlliance’s New CEO
Jenelle Osborne (L) with Vicki Conner

All our sponsors, donors, guests, and auction winners made it a fabulous event, but our small staff, who worked through the holidays to organize it all, get an extra round of applause. I am thrilled that Vicki Conner’s last major event as Initiative Director was amazing! We took the opportunity at the event to honor her and Lawnae Hunter as co-founder and founder, respectively. Vicki Conner, while retiring from EconAlliance, will still join us on special projects. Vicki’s hard work over the years has made EconAlliance a vital part of North County and a trusted partner. Thank you, Vicki, for your passion and dedication.

Following our successful annual dinner, we began the hunt for a new office space, assessing our calendar for potential events, and preparing for member renewals and additions. Watch for next month’s newsletter to announce our new address, forums and events for 2025 and opportunities to support the important mission of EconAlliance: Building awareness, advocacy, support, and appreciation for Northern Santa Barbara County industries and communities. Our cross-industry approach will continue to be a strong voice and activist in 2025 and beyond.

I look forward to working with all of you!
